
Friday, 7 July 2017

Clouds Information report

Clouds Information report

A cloud is a large collection very tiny droplets of water or ice crystals. The droplets are so tiny they float in the air. There are heaps of clouds all made the same. Clouds form from tiny ice crystals and water droplets. They are so small that they float in the air. They connect to another cloud. The cloud it joins to gets bigger. So as more clouds join, it gets bigger and bigger.

There are heaps of types of clouds.  There is cumulus and the cumulonimbus, cirrus, stratus, altostratus, stratocumulus.  Cirrocumulus altostratus.

Cumulus clouds look like fluffy tufts of cotton floating in the sky.  Sometime
all weathers are from Clouds rain comes from clouds and wind. clouds are the best whether to learn about it is so interesting.
A cloud is a large collection very tiny droplets of water or ice crystals. The droplets are so tiny they float in the air. There are heaps of clouds all made the same. Clouds form from tiny ice crystals and water droplets. They are so small that they float in the air. They connect to another cloud. The cloud it joins to gets bigger. So as more clouds join, it gets bigger and bigger.

There are heaps of types of clouds.  There is cumulus and the cumulonimbus, cirrus, stratus, altostratus, stratocumulus.  Cirrocumulus altostratus.

Cumulus clouds look like fluffy tufts of cotton floating in the sky.  Sometimes they might look like the shape of a dragon, or turtle or some other creature. You’ll see cumulus clouds on warm, sunny days.

all weathers are from Clouds rain comes from clouds and wind. clouds are the best whether to learn about it is so interesting.

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