What are bacteria-
Bacteria is a microscopic living organism which can spread
severe diseases or can be good for the body like yogurt, yeast,
Harmful bacteria are called pathogenic bacteria. hear are some
examples of bad bacteria Salmonella, Enterococcus faecium.
What do Bacteria need to survive-
Bacteria need oxygen, food, time, water, good temperature
(around 10oC-20oC) and the proper environment to live and grow
How to stop spreading bacteria-
1 clean hands/nails/apron/etc
2 frozen foods in their individual container and if you
don't it can form cross-contamination.
3 have multiple chopping boards eggs and cheese, chicken and fish.

Definition of Cross-contamination-
Cross-contamination is when bacteria
spread to other foods which occur often when
raw and cooked foods are stored together. or when
knives and chopping boards are not clean dealing with raw foods.