
Thursday, 29 August 2019


Today in P.E we have been practising about the chosen sport
my sport is Volleyball we had to do our drills/exercises

Exercise 1:

Get a partner and a volleyball. For this exercise, you need to stand across each other and practices hitting the ball we will teach you how to hit the ball. Make sure to aim a little high when you hit so you can practice hitting the ball over the net.

Exercise 2:
Serving - The next exercise we will be teaching you will be how to serve in Volley. For this, you will require a group of two so in pairs. You will try serving over a net. The aim is to have a serve that land in the other person's hands.

I say in this lesson we did ok the reason it's only ok is that nobody was agreeing and everyone was

Thursday, 8 August 2019

place value

In maths, we have been making DLOs and this is my one hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Radical Rainbow

We have been working on a mufti day called Radical Rainbow and it for Kids Can. Kids Can are a charity that gives food and basic needs to kids that cant and families that can't provide for them selfs. we came up with the idea of radical rainbow by coming up with two words and putting them together eg: nice neon.