for art, we are making a clay stop motion here is my script.
In 1997 there was a monster village where only monsters were allowed.
They had picnics and played games, but not all monsters are
Happy but two monsters changed their minds, Hank and Jacob.
The bad monsters will hide in trees and will pounce at the food and then go to the next
the two monsters grabbed their opportunity when they could and ran in as soon he left but there was no food there so they went the next day and the next but the food just disappeared. They tried and tried until one day they stop him in his tracks. they talked and talked then he gave the food up so
Jacob and Hank gave the food back to the village. The village gave them half of the food. on their way home, they heard a cry so they dashed to the cry. they saw the monster sitting with two crying babies waiting for some food so Hank and Jacob gave the monster dad the food that the village gave to them. now three years later the “bad monster” is now living a happy life with a happy family and his name is Cleatus.